Ai-art in Seconds with Midjourney (Images from Text!)

00:00 Start
00:28 What is Midjourney?
01:41 How to use Midjourney
02:31 How to generate images from text
06:53 Browsing the gallery of your ai-generated works
08:16 The artists’ styles
10:01 Quick tip for more realistic ‘3d’ rendering
11:10 Aspect ratio
12:40 Community
14:01 What I’ve created in Midjourney in five days
16:19 Conclusion

If I saw this a few years ago, I wouldn’t believe my eyes. Art-making robot generating astounding concept art from your text prompt, in seconds. Something BIG is happening! – Midjourney beta

I spent a few days playing with Midjourney beta (generated more than 1000 images and burned quite a few bucks). Can’t wait to share the crazy results with you – oh and also a quick Midjourney tutorial. Warning: there are a few potentially disturbing images (AI can generated some really weird stuff).

Links: – Quick Eyed Sky youtube channel (Disco Diffusion), ai-made images and tutorials – Two Minute Papers – my Midjourney art dump #01 – Artstation post

Mists by Snoizer CC0,
Landing – Godmode – Youtube Audio Library
If I’m Fading Tonight (Instrumental) by Props
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library


  1. it is a strange feeling of admiration and at the same time of indifference. it is as if for a moment we are admiring the extraordinary beauty of the work of a relentless competitor with a high chance of becoming better than us. a concept artist takes hours to produce 1 scene while this thing takes minutes or seconds to produce 4 scenes. enough of giving a shiver


  2. It’s decent but not for characters and not for complex things apparently it blacks out all swords atleast for me and makes them so distorted and out of shape, but for more abstract i feel even there i don’t get enough control, better than dream, but not the greatest evolution of ai art gens

  3. for the last 20 years i have made a living with art, and over those years this topic has poped up, substance painter was going to replace us, 3d scans where going to replace us, marv designer was going to replace us, I even remember when poser was going to replace us hahahah. So this AI art looks very impressive, I agree, but when people say this will replace artists i think they miss understand what artists acturlly do, there is a consistancy of vision and intention that only comes from mind, and untill you work in the art world its hard to understand how this stuff is just going to become another tool, and not a replacement, in fact ive seen these tools just lead to us needing more artists as the projects we can create become bigger, they also allow smaller teams to do so much more, so if you looking at this and thinking there is no point in trying then i would reconsider, you will find allot of meaning and joy in learining new skills and if your lucky and really work hard you will find yourself at a desk, in a job, that you love surrounded by amazing people, so dont throw those ball points away, its just another tool, and for the coders who work on this stuff and who i regually see saying they will replace artists, if you replace us then you will be replacing yourselves and if your vision comes true you will find yourselves locked out the building with us :). so pick up your pens, find a corner and make some magic from your wonderfull, misunderstood, devine minds, and let the doom sayers stand with there signs screaming that the sky will fall, and if it does fall, then draw it falling, god bless

  4. I am assuming it takes multiple images of the tags you input and mashes them together so the art is made by humans but that art Is mashed into a generated art. How does that work via copyright-like what if you find some art with a character you drew and it has been mashed into some other art? So I don't think this tool will replace human art as it looks like it heavily relies on human art to be input.

  5. I truly appreciate the video here & advice thanks a ton ! I've been working with dalle mini and have made some truly interesting discoveries so I thought I'd look up other ai art and I found your video thankfully 🙂 Great ideas for what to type into it also, so super cool! Thanks again man

  6. Honestly, some of these images are truly amazing. I could watch them all day. I understand that for some concept artists it might become troublesome. But if the goal of arts, and concept art in particular, is to generate feelings, emotions, and inspiration, then this AI is simply working. And I also see this AI as a tool for artist to simply generate ideas on which the artist will iterate. Let's remember that, for now, these images have no context and it seems difficult to generate a scene and keep the same style or context in the image. Not even talking about storytelling here…

    Obviously, some people are going to abuse this, but this is the nature of the world and social media in particular. Fast food is produced for people who don't enjoy fine cuisine, they are not the same audience.

  7. i think its great…what sucks is when you spend hours developing an image and then someone comes along at the 11th hour and starts tweaking your shit. Granted AI is a generative art, but it is still a tool aand some users are better at or will dedicate more time to perfecting said tool…only to have someone with zero effort (its already down to .0001 effort considering its generative) copy. There is a difference I suppose with maybe learning …versus just being a lazy dickhead. You run into this same type of thing in fractal art forums where users post the algorythms and other users will not even change or tweak, but just srtraight up take and pretend it was their own clever mind that came up with it.. Anyways, thankfully now there is a private mode ($20 extra dollars)..but worth every penny if you intend on further developing your images into concept art outside of midjourney.

  8. I like the concept a lot, and some of your stuff is cool. My concern is that because most of it is considered “disturbing “I’m going to assume a lot of people key in a lot of dark words. With that being said, will these AI machines start to think that humans are very dark when all they keep getting fed is dark words.
    Also, I cannot help but think it is interesting to see what these machines consider “alien worlds“ for us to see the results based on what? Each time somebody puts in the word alien, it comes back dark and scary and moody. Why can’t some of these alien worlds be bright, and beautiful, and loving? Almost every piece of a I art I’ve seen so far has been overall disturbing. Granted I’ve only seen a handful of pieces as I’ve just discovered this today, but I need to see some good things because what are we feeding these machines?

  9. Какой у тебя мурчащщий англиский. ) Ты такую манеру с PiXimperfect перенял? (без притензии, просто очень похоже)

  10. Bro turn to Jesus man I be telling y’all he loves u sm man he gave himself up for us and our sins, he paid the fine that we deserved because we broke the law (Ten commandments ) ““For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16) ““

  11. Teacher to student looking at 2 paintings in a museum. "Look kid the left imprestionist painting was made by a human. So simple those few lines and color spots. But you might think, a 3 year old child could do that too, couldn't he?
    But that right painting was made by an AI, humans could never do that so beautifully and authentic!
    So instead of drawing with pen and paper yourself, you will soon have AI make a drawing on your tablet in class. And if I like it, you'll get an A.

  12. All the people crying about AI taking away the beauty of art are wrong In my opinion. Our creativity Is limited and for me It's hard to find art that I actually like so having the ability to create my own master piece Is so surreal. Try to enjoy the ride because things are about to get really weird In the next couple of decades.

  13. I love it. Personally I don´t really care were art comes from, how it´s done. If it resonates it does regardless of origin. A hard pill to swallow for struggling artists yes, but they will have to. This is just the beginning.

  14. The presenter of this disruption in modern art even sounds scared… I mean, one shall either embrace these new frontiers, or (fail to keep up) and die!

    That said, well, it's a blessing to be alive as the singularity spreads into such affairs as day-dreaming… [with results!]

  15. Hi Gleb! Thinking as an art director: can you art direct specific ingredients of an image? Let's say the composition is nailed – can you change the lighting, without affecting other parts of an image? Or the general color scheme?

  16. AI will create all familiar works currently in existence and give you a sense of familiarity & my oh my, I see Francis Bacon, Matisse, Dali’s tears in every single journey. You were already stealing, this just making it faster. Designers are going to have a field day with this and soon, they will be replaced. Embrace extinction my fellow YouTubots
    AI generated art for Bots followers has arrived 🤖

  17. I'm on the machine learning side of things so obviously I'm very excited about this. I hope that sooner or later, someone open sources one of these models. I would love to see the details of how it's implemented and the datasets used for training.

  18. Oh no… first thing came into my mind is the amount of scammers who would use it claiming that they made those pieces by their own self and talents /shrug , however, it’s really fascinating, and I’m thrilled to try it out once I have a good and crazy idea 👍

  19. I'm getting confused how to use midjourney in discord….please some one help me I need midjourney for my thesis. i couldn't find midjourney bot on my discord to use it.


    Note: everyone has 30 or 60 images free of charge but after that it gets VERY expensive! Be careful once again.

  21. Kinda demonic this supposed "AI" have a good hard look at most of the images it produces, almost always has a darkness to it… AI technology is the new wouiji board…haha.. be careful people 🙏… the people in these images never smile, always soulless look… you know what they say about Satan, he always fascinates before he assassinates

  22. we live in a reality where on one side we have pictures of badly designed monkeys that costs over 2k dollars each, on the other side a beta AI that can provides one of a kind, ultra detailed and gorgeous pictures of whatever you could possibly imagine for free basically. Thats crazy

  23. i don't think so it can replace artist first of all it creating art of different artist to create art . second if you use photoshop you will know ai can do some thing better then human and something not better then human . its use some principle and caution there are circumstances where no mathematical calculation cant be applied so artist are needed there thing of it as person wearing trouser green with shirt inside trouser you want to color upper half magenta and lower half grey you cant unless there are some very clearly visible date between pent trouser . sorry about pant, trouser ,and shirt missing English is not my first language . in one of photo 5:45 in detail you want to remove detail from some part and detail to some part you cant do it using ai because contrast in color is not to mush to distinguished ai to measure each object separately you can add detail and remove detail as whole

  24. As a solo 3d artist, I love the idea of being able to generate rough concepts that I can push further in 3d without having to worry about whether or not there's any copywrite issues.

  25. Thanks Gleb for the video. I am wondering when this will happen for 3D scenes, Imagine typing these images then being able to import them into Blender as "rough" 3D scenes to develop. Perhaps this will be possible in 5 years, 2 or next week 😅

  26. Please help with a question.
    – Can I use the works that I made in this neural network for the cover of a music album or book cover? (It seems to be impossible for free, but if through a subscription?)
    – and the second question, is it possible to use them for the same purposes if I change the detail in Photoshop? (Are small changes enough, or are big changes needed?)

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