Can We Generate Game Content with Midjourney AI Art?

While my forum software imploded yesterday, it wasn’t all bad news for me as I got an invite to the Midjourney AI Art beta! I’d heard a lot about it recently in various areas, and maybe you have too, so let’s check it out, see what we can do with it, create some crazy mash-ups, and generally explore how useful Midjourney can be (or not) as a tool for our games.

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  1. Great stream. Thanks for showing what can be done with Mid J. I just got an invite the other day. Just to let you know. The way these AI work, Is when they train it on images and text, It works very similar to a humans brain in a way. when it creates the images, it's creating original images that have never been seen before. One good example is a site called this person does not exist. every refresh is a different person. and if you dont download them. then they are gone forever. lol. kinda crazy to think, So with Mid J, Dall-e 2 and Google's Imagine. When they display those images, there 100 percent the AI's creation. Now there are some AI models that do in some way mess up an you can see getty or shutterstock watermarks, Not sure how that happens . most likely how those are trained and put together.

  2. A very timely and enjoyable stream. I gained access to the Midjourney Beta a couple of weeks ago and have already managed to generate sufficient ('reasonable' quality) art within a week and released a new version of my fantasy heartbreaker game. Whilst there will always be a place for artists doing bespoke pieces, as a 'hobby designer' on a budget of zero who releases stuff for free this tool increases the level of presentation immediately.

  3. I really enjoyed this stream. I had no idea this was a thing, but you could do so much with it. I think someone mentioned in the live stream, but this would be a great tool for inspiration of an illustrator. Wish I would have caught this live.

    Not going to lie though, the first thing that went through my head was "castle mountains forest bob ross", crossing my fingers would not take into account the paintings he ruined including wonky shack under a tree. We have that Bob Ross Twitch stream on during the weekends while we do other stuff around the house, and so many of his paintings would make great fantasy book covers with a singular element added.

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