1. It's impressive how Dalle2 creates everything around the image

    You can continually selecting the new image and surroud it with black background so Dalle2 continues creating new background

  2. I started thinking it would be cool to see what it would come up with if you erased the area where her hands are and prompted Dall-E 2 to paint them back with something in them.

  3. I KNEW it. so once this has temporal coherence across frames and shots, we can use this to make old 4:3 tv shows 16:9. Star Trek TNG, Voyager, are the ones I want to be 16:9.

  4. First heard about DALL-E and DALL-E 2 (and DALL-E Mini, etc) from another channel called "2 Minute Papers" which delves into new techniques and such in 2D and 3D CG as well as deep machine learning. Highly recommended as a companion to this one.

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