How to Make Concept Art with AI (Free and Easy) – Stable Diffusion Tutorial 2022

0:00 – Installing Stable Diffusion
1:47 – Painting the Rough Input Image
2:25 – Your 1st AI Images
9:00 – Mixing Results in Photoshop
10:36 – Refining in Stable Diffusion & Photoshop
14:39 – Changing Parts of the Image with Crop
17:21 – Final Steps

My local installation of Stable Diffusion (Windows + NVIDIA GPU):

Other options for using Stable Diffusion:

Sampling Method differences:


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Timer icon I used in the thumbnail:


  1. Heyyy love your videos. Recently i found a projects they use AI to make nfts alive and talk back. Would love your opinion about them its called Alethea AI

  2. I guess it goes like this: real humans label some images with words like detailed, realistic, and others like 4k are just automatic. Images that have these labels tend to have a certain style to them: 4k might imply high level of per pixel details, while detailed may imply high amount of objects in a single take, so maybe these two will produce images with a lot of objects that have high res textures.

  3. feels very iffy to use the likeness of an artists style in the prompt. im not sure an open source program like sd has permission to feed their works into the program or something

  4. 1:36 *It is your opinion that they are not a very nice person.

    Besides, if it bothers you so much, just editorialize in your mind that that word choice means slow-'n-steady guide, as in retarded in pace 🙄

  5. Think of the prompt as flicking through a filing cabinet of image descriptions. Find the things in common that you want applied to your image, I call this stuff word vomit, And I have it saved out in various forms to copy paste in for differing styles, but it is very important to the outcome of the image.

    For example, If I want an animated clean rendered style, I'll add tags like 'Official art by Disney' or 'Official art by Pixar' < Now this wont work for everything, This style of tagging works in this example because it is how they tag their own official releases, And that's the key, Wording things the way the specific image owners/critics describe their images.

    The best tip I give to fellow Ai-tists is this. Learn Jargon for everything as best you can, and Get/use a thesaurus.
    First Jargon, Remember every image is generally catagorized/descripted by the wording of where it was found/scraped. You want high art, use high art jargon, you want photography? Use photography and perhaps cinema and camera operator jargon aswell.

    Learning the terminology for different types of camera shot for example is fundamentally helpful, EG 'A pulled back shot of a' A distance shot of a' 'Panoramic' 'Fish-eye lens' These will help you play with the scale and style of your image for instance.

    Art terminology helps greatly well – Good to have your own discord channel to save all this shit to if your a mid journey peep – I've linked some terms below for copy paste (Sorry there were descriptions for each but youtube wouldn't let me dump that much text… Soz Beans) (Trompe l’oeil < This one is one of my personal favorites, Look them up if you haven't heard it before 🙂

    Next, the thesaurus is crucial, Say you want 'Prompt: a london street with flying cars floating down the street' This is most likely going to give you flooded London streets, find other words for floating to help eliminate the alternate meaning, Read your prompts carefully and make sure you are not accidentally getting the wrong meaning out of your words.

    On top of that, using terminology like 8K is great, but think about what images might mostly have that as a description, 4K is probably more helpful as there is a much larger pool of art uploaded at 4K with that as part of the description. Add both 🙂

    People tend to think of these prompts like a mystical language, and yeah Kinda, but think of it more like a rolodex of image descriptions, your not cobbling together pictures more so cobbling together peoples description of them to make a new image.

    Prompt ;A deep pulled back shot of A vast tundra with a futuristic city encased in a vast thick glass dome with yellow mist. ships flying around on dedicated flying lanes. glow on the out side, Inception style shot, hyper realism, crisp details, Landscape shot, vast 50 square kilometer. HD. OLED. Leading Lines. Golden Ratio. Rule of thirds.

    This prompt above made these images. Sorry for the plug, but kinda hard to show example with out it?? :P……(….<.< >.> Please like and subscribe hehe)

    Some extra things that are nice to add
    :Color theme, Teal, green, Lime and Yellow. (Add your own colors and research color theory just a little bit)
    :High contrast in Hue
    :More Value than Hue (These two can really make the colors pop, sometimes.)
    :OLED this should be pulling from TV and Monitor advert images which are some of the most expensive and high quality HDR contrasty images you can find, They gotta sell tvs after all 😛
    :HDR similar to above
    :Unreal Engine
    :Octane Render | Renderman Render | Vray | Redshift | Mental Ray < These are all rendering engines and images with this as part of their description should be mostly Clean AF and thus will help bring some of the clean to your piece.
    :Symmetry < Obvious but handy

    I'm still learning, But This should help.
    Also Capcut is fantastic for making animated reels from a mobile device 😀


    Alla prima






    Color Theory




    Figurative Art




    Mixed media





    Plein air








    Trompe l’oeil















  6. I guess I don't even qualify as a "retard" according to the guy who made that guide because I couldn't make it work. I know you said that the instructions keep changing all the time and I certainly hope they will since they were somewhat unclear to me. At the moment, under Step 2, it says "to update, all you need to do is type git pull within the newly made webui folder". Okay, so how do I TYPE something in a folder…? I'm guessing he wants me to do it in the cmd console but I didn't really get it. Shame, I was looking forward to trying this out!

  7. ok. If you think that's an acceptable picture after all that work. More power to you. It seems to me all AI can do is the easy first steps and not too good at that either

  8. Hello, I have a question. It pulls image information from the internet (what it is training on for instance), but I was wondering if it is possible to tell it to pull inspiration from a folder on my computer?

  9. I’ve been watching all these AI images with interest…. Had a go at mid journey… I’m an illustrator & concept artist, so there is that slight worry that AI is going to take over from my job.. but, watching this video has reassured me it’s definitely not there yet. There’s some great stuff being created, such as what your doing, but it’s taking some effort, time & skills to get it to anything useable. In the time that you’ve done this, I would have drawn it…. So I don’t see the point of using it in my workflow to save time. I’ll definitely sub to your channel & watch on to see how things develop though. Does Stable Diffusion only run on computers? I like to use my iPad when sketching & roughing out stuff, might try it if it runs on iPad, wouldn’t put it on my computer as all my work & art programs are there & I can’t risk software conflicts etc.

  10. very good one , this process is more or less explained through reddit posts , but it's always to see it live.

    Now i see why artist are so angry XD.

    now anyone with a little knowledge on photoshop and understanding of AI prompts could do very cool images , that before were imposible.

    But evolve or die… you can hate it or if you're an artist you can learn to use it to improve your process. same thing when Photoshop and illustrator appeared and ppl went from pencils to digital painting

  11. This is very cool to see, but this is is not really concept art. Stuff like this can't really be passed onto a modeler for production. Show me a turn around of this EXACT scene as an example.

  12. 😆 "The person who made this is not a nice person" you said? lol, I think he/she is nice enough to put it fro free. The name does not insult any one who has no emotional issues or inferiority complex. Would you feel insulted if someone calls you an idiot even if you are not? 🤣 And if one is an idiot,a retard or an ignorant how can one be insulted anyway? 😂😂😂😂😂

  13. Many thanks for this – was never really sure how stable diffusion could be used in practical terms and now i know! Great tut! Extremely informative and nicely-paced. Looking forward to the next one!

  14. Thank you for this video, I fell in love with it. I've installed it but the interface is totally different, way less detailed, with less functions etc (I'm on windows 11). Anybody is having the same problem?

  15. The guide wasn't even that clear to be called what it is lol. You could probably get a lot of traction explaining how to actually install this because that guide explains absolutely nothing

  16. Wow. Thank you for valuable information about AI art. I am a artist myself and curious about people fearing that AI will take the artist job. AI at this stage is not scary but I will one day take over artist job. Even Elon Musk feared AI. Thank you so much for simple tuto video, Its very simple. I will try it and do my first concept art. =)

  17. Great video thank you 🙏 was just checking the link and from what I understand this does not work on mac-book computers….?
    You also use your own computer's GPU?
    thanks in advance.

  18. This is actually good news for concept artists. The more people think this is concept art, the more the quality and authenticity of portfolios will drop and the value of actual artists will rise. Concept art is not about making pictures, it's a very involved process with a lot of iteration due to feedback from an art director to achieve visual solutions to production and narrative problems. Communication and teamwork is key, so a tool like this will do no good, even if you know what you're doing, it will just be a hassle for you and a waste of time for the whole team.

  19. What do you think about AI with metaverse. There’s a project named Alethea AI. They are fusing AI with nfts to make them intelligent in metaverse enabling them to talk and have trainable personality

  20. This is extremely awesome. Im decent at art and already do a lot of photo bashed work that I just blend and paint on top of. This would greatly speed up the process and save me a lot of effort and on occasion come up with unique elements better than my initial imagining. Very cool can't wait to give it a try.

  21. I think it is a bit of a letdown that we have to resort to using styles of existing artists, instead of being able to write thousands of words describing painting style, colors, shapes, patterns, style of details, perspective used, composition, layout and all that good stuff. When we get to that point, it may pretty much be more like doing a traditional illustration I guess. But being able to use sketches is some sort of solution for this, at least for now.

  22. I was a bit skeptical at first but after watching a few of your videos I think I understand a lot better now. In the beginning I thought this was going to be a very lazy “let the AI do the work” kind of thing but now I see that it’s a lot more hands on and isn’t completely negating the need for an artist with a vision

  23. I had to unistall GIT because I did not understand your information about how to install all the hundreds of different things, and copying and moving, and downloading etc, etc, etc… everything here and there to make it work.
    To sad, because I would really like this.
    Would be so much easier if you just made a noob beginners video on EXACTLY step by step how to install it.

  24. I can foresee the future regarding this. YouTube challenge videos where the challenge is to generate nice looking AI art, but WITHOUT using Greg Rutkowskis name 😁. Poor Greg.

    In any case, fantastic video!

  25. I have a hard question
    can this AI fix a low quality Image from another AI Generator?
    I have some very good anime image but the quality is bad
    so I'm looking for AI to Redraw or fix it somehow
    I even try to upscale it but no use

  26. why i have low PC ……..every single pictures going 1 hour+ to create… way (( so sad i wanna this… i need new PC ) i can use PS but with SD oh shooot ) i can imagen every dream what i want….but at 1st need new PC )))))

  27. Just a really small detail, but I always throw in Filter->Camera Raw Filter (not sure which version of PS you have) and play with Basic and HSL tabs. Even if something is just a quick concept art, but you like pretty colors, it's always worth spending a couple extra minutes 👍

  28. This video was the very first video I watched about three or four weeks ago. OMG has so much changed, but some of the basics here are still useful, and I still keep coming back to reference the workflow.

  29. Words are not offensive. You make it so yourself. Sounds like you have been trained to think so instead of realizing it's just a word describing something. Using words is one way to be able to communicate and words don't care what emotions you put onto them.

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