How to Make Money With AI Art! 5 Models

AI art allows you to make money in ways never before possible, here are 5 new business models that are ripe for the milking.

Make money with AI Art with these approaches.

Check out my ai art courses

Midjourney Mastery

Create and Sell AI Art

DALL•E Mastery

1 – Use repeating patterns to sell merchandise

2 – Create and sell logos

3 – Make a tool

4 – Sell Prompts

4 – Personalised portraits

5 – Graphic novels

#aiart #midjourney #makemoney


  1. Hi Samson, working through your selling course and it's great – can I ask I'm in private mode but seen someone just started making images with a copy of my prompt – too intricate to be a coincidence – are images made in private mode still shown in community feed ? can't work out how they've seen them otherwise – any ideas

  2. Regarding your course on making money, do you show how to resize art for example, selling prints on Etsy, but sizing to accommodate the different frame ratios? That's where I get confused. Do you cover that in your course? Either way, love your videos!

  3. I'm using wombo, and though the art is simple, its fast.. I just made like 150 images of stevie wonder.. I use stable diffusion from time to time and starry.. I didn't think DALL-E was available.. Midjourney, I'm not familiar with.. I have picso which supposedly uses midjourney.. The way I make art in wombo is a combination of using the prompt and doing variations on the imageuntil I get imagery I want, then I use the output to influence a prompted render.

  4. but in the midjourney clause it says that the works you do belong to them the IP is from midjourney how can I sell something I did with their ai if they have the IP and it says they have it forever, if by a miracle I manage to sell an image made there, perhaps they take away my earnings or sue me for the rights, I can't understand how to work with it

  5. you have a great video both an entertaining sense of humor and an informative as well as open-minded and resourceful, subbed! just don't do funny Jesus next time the former catholic in me is still tender haha! Do you have courses for inpaiting and stability diffusion to run it locally ? as well as using photos for portrait as base for composites likes your Queen wonder woman tutorials which was wonderful, I would look forward to more content that can be freely runner on windows PC not online alternatives so it would be awesome if you have a guide from us thanks and keep Rocking!

  6. Great and funny video Samson to present to artists (or anyone though) multiple ways to build (creatively or smartly) sources of passif incomes (using AI or not!). I would love to learn furthermore is "how to brand well yourself and get good visibility" and also "how to identify markets with great demand where you can add your creative and/or custom style".

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! Thank you very much for your time and hard work with the world. I am subscribing now!!!!! I think I will be really good at this. If we have questions are you open for them? if not here is my cell you can call me. jk.. 🙂 if I land a fire deal I will include you!!!!!

  8. Ai is fun right now. We view it as a “tool” to help us as artists, but believe me. It will replace us. There will come a point where people prefer this over our own art, because they will become so accustomed to its perfectly aesthetic nature. It’s a collaboration, but only now. A true artist does not need a robot to think for them. A true artist does not care about the convenience of time that Ai has to offer. Ai is fake art, with no thought or intent behind it. It’s all artificial. And Ai will not only destroy art. It will destroy writing, literature, film, fasion, you name it. It will destroy the human essence of creativity. And the saddest part is, none of us will even notice because we will have already lost touch with the beauty of raw creativity. I agree that Technology is supposed to help us. The great thing about it is that it’s supposed to aid us in the tasks we consider tedious. Not to say technology has never helped us artists in the past before. However, Ai is a different story, and we can see this just by looking at the name. Artificial Intelligence. If that title doesn’t spark any kind of worry, then I am greatly concerned for humanity. The positive aspect technology is that it gives us more time to think freely. Technology should not play such a vital part, in the creative thought process.

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