Is AI art the END of IMAGINATION? How we as humans imagine.

Hey folks, i wanted to bring imagination to the topic of the AI art. There is a lot of talk and controversy around it being END of Art itself. However i think that we as artists are going to be fine.

Hopefully you find something usefull or informative in this video.

And if you disagree, let me know in the comments, im open to conversation about use of AI in Art and other industries. I just prefer it to not be as exploitative as it is right now.

Resources i mentioned in the video:





  1. I'm think it is the creation of a different skill set, not to replace a artist, or replicate a artist if you want a commission get a commision. Use the AI to retool and rethink. There are maths people that do complex math, but there are many nice calculators also. I think there is a issue when you are trying to remake others art, but if you are using it to free-form your own "art" it is something sort of magical. I spent years doing manual art, and it's neat to put my own peices in and have it recreate them in interesting ways. Or add to them in ways that I no longer have the time to learn those skills. End result I use in a more 50 50 type way. And it's a neat tool, but it does not replace the artists eye, but it can mabey replace the non inventive non artistic persons ability to get something close to what they are thinking. Thanks for your insight.

  2. Thank you! I don't understand how people cannot see the pure hypocrisy going on, particularly with art in contrast to music. It's so blatantly disrespectful, and no person in their right mind would stand for it. I've also been trying to say the exact same thing you mentioned, regarding the "it's just a tool" argument. If it's just a tool, you should still be able to work off of the merit of your own skills, but the vast majority of people who use these AI image generators wouldn't be able to do that, and as such it's not "just a tool".

    I sincerely hope all the techbros get sued for this, forced to retrain their fancy calculators, and forced to pay recompense to the thousands of people whose hard work they so carelessly ripped off. I hate this dystopian, empathy-devoid reality these assholes are trying to create, just so they can make a quick buck. Fuck them. Honestly.

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