Midjourney Private mode (Keep Your Work Safe)

0:00 Intro
0:14 Private Visibility
0:31 Private Images
1:06 Enable Private Mode
1:36 See your plan

Midjourney private mode allows you to privately view your ai art journey without others seeing it. In this video, we show you how to enable and use the private mode feature on Midjourney.

how does private mode work?
I will explain all

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  1. Well, well, well… AI artists thinking about their work stolen – that didn't take long ;D / anyway – just kidding, I understand what you mean. It doesn't matter how you end up creating a very specific, well thought out visual concept, image or rendering – whatever, so it definitely is a nice to have feature.

  2. Since the AI that generated your pic is ALREADY trained well enough to generate it, by going private, you're not really hiding anything from AI. Your image is just one of the bazillions the AI can already create

  3. You can't steal work when using Midjourney. It's the same as showing an aspiring artist art to learn. In the case of the AI It's a computer learning instead of a person.

  4. it's almost impossible to "steal" someone else prompts because it makes very different results anytime.
    the real problem is if someone downloads your pictures and sells them somewhere, but this should be forbidden by terms.

    Anyway there are people that don't have scruples to resell the work of someone else, they already do with copyright-protected images… for example in fiver, you can find some offers of images on sale, that have been downloaded from stock agencies, and it's very difficult to pursue them.

  5. I think that MJ should share the generated picture only with a watermark to prevent download and usage to anyone, considering that we are paying a lot of money to them to use it !

  6. There is also the cheap way to make it private.
    After you finish you work, copy it to your hard drive then delete it from MidJoruney.
    I won't be shown to anyone while it's still on the server.
    If you EVER want it back just use the Job ID (just save this info on a folder along with your pics).

  7. One can always add the bot to a private server and immediately delete all images after generating ones you want to keep. of course you have to be happy you’re done with it and don’t need any further generations. But you can always have a file with the seed number and prompt and image so you can pretty much get close enough

  8. You finally got a microphone!!! Yay!!! Llistening to that echo chamber you were in was an assault on the ears. LOL. Seriously, so glad you got a mic because the rest of your content is awesome.

  9. What happens when they switch over to browser desktop, as they are talking about moving away from Discord. Do you know if there will still be a public feed that everyone shares? Wondering if its worth getting private mode right now.

  10. I'm trying private mode and just saw that another user created variations of an image I had just created. If this is private, how can others still see the images?

  11. There is much confusion around AI, although when you take a step back and look at the big pictures it is actually very simple (copyright vs open source, public vs private aso). When in 1436 Gutenberg invented the press, printing and replicating art was initially considered stealing both by authors and book illustrators. The publisher was the thief, until he paid. Also, many established professions feared the ill effects of empowering the "masses". Around 1900, photography was considered stealing by painters. Photographers were disliked by artists, as it empowered creativity outside of the artisan guilds of the time, until finally photography became mainstream as the masses embraced it; Today it is even considered an artform in and off itself. The initial fear, that painted portraits would fall out of fashion also turned out to be baseless. They are sill in high demand and survived photography, photoshop and will also survive AI.

    Only a few years back, we considered "photoshop'd" portraits as "fake". Now we are only true "digital artists" if we use Photoshop and not AI, right? As the global population increases, so will demand for art. There will always be room for various tools. Many will still prefer a painted portrait over digital art, or photoshop concept art over AI art.

    But tools used are not what makes or brakes art. In reality, art always starts with an idea in your head. The creative process is not inherent in a brush or in tools for that matter. If you think AI is creative, you probably don't understand the process, interaction or workload shared between human input and machine output. One of the greatest painters, Rubens, had a painting "factory" and would convey his ideas to his painters who would then finish the project. Does it mean Rubens is fake and not a great artist? Of course not. The value lies not in the technical but in the creative process. Hans Zimmer has a 100 or more people working for him. Yet every great music score that he oversees is considered to be his music. He composes the basic melody, then refines the process, taking away, adding, changing. A tedious process until the masterpiece is done.

    Think of AI as your personal painting factory. You tell the painters working for you what to paint. You then look at the results and either throw it out or tell your painter to continue or to add, subtract, overpaint, color and so. The result is what you envisioned and refined. Same in architecture, music compositions and and and. Herbert von Karajan is considered one the greatest maestros in classical music, but all he did is fiddle around with two sticks in his hand (of course there was alot more to it, but you get the point). The orchestra played, he directed. He is loved not because he played the piano. He is loved because his vision and creativity elevated existing compositions.

    Sure, copying a painting 1:1 is theft. Taking someone elses AI prompt with the intent of creating an identical image is not much different. Building on someone else's work, copying a style and so on is considered acceptable. There is also a difference between copying an artwork privately (to improve your technical skills) and presenting cloned images in public with the intend to receive credit for creative ideas that are not your own. On the other side, Impressionism wouldn't exist, if artist did'nt inspire each other to some degree, at least stylisticly. Copying Van Goghs "Sunflowers" 1:1 is theft and always will be. Where to draw the line between stealing and "borrowing" has been discussed for many hundreds of years and a general consensus has long been reached. It applies to all artists no matter which tool they use, weather pencil, pen, Photoshop or AI. The tools have, and always will continue to change. The immediacy of ideas in my head and the final product improves, as tools get more sophisticated; as does the speed and efficieny in which art is created. But we don't really need to reinvent our understanding of ethics in art, this has long been done.

    While inspiration can come from many sources, you still need to come up with your own creative and original ideas to be considered an artist. Therein lies the primacy of the creative process, not in the tools we use. Tools have been, are now and always will be considered secondary. The same will eventually be applied to prompt creation. If you can't come up with an original sentence (a basic idea, text prompt or melody), then maybe art is not for you. Sharing prompts is acceptable for technical reasons. Just like learning how to use a brush, you need to learn to interact with AI. Understanding how to get results is important. But it is not acceptable to steal original ideas with the intend to create an identical image. Isn''t the whole point of AI, that it empowers us to realize our very OWN creative ideas? Learning from other people's prompts can be a good thing. But one should never take credit publicly for an original idea, when credit is not deserved. Art created with the help of AI will be considered art, as long as originality is part of the equation and individual creativity is respected. Then we can say "The brush is a tool, the camera is a tool and AI is also just a tool".

  12. pretty sure they removed the eye icon and now you can't private/unprivate anything on the site.
    I was in wave2 of the beta, gen'd 8.3k images and deleted them by hand in the MJ discord… and they're all still up on the site in my gallery for the world to scrape.

  13. Thank you very much for this video! I have a question: If we follow your steps in your video "Midjourney Private Channels" to create a private channel, can we use this private subscription mode on that channel we created, or do we have to use the Midjourney bot channel so they don't appear our images on Discord?

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