Watch EbSynth bring paintings to life

Hi! We are Secret Weapons and we make tools for artists.
Our first weapon – EbSynth – brings your art to life. Try it out yourself!
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Special thanks to Alice X. Zhang for her amazing paintings!

And Jakub Javora, our stellar concept artist!

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  1. I feel like it has a better potential for anime than live action footage. Remember when anime started getting done digitally, and the lights and shadows were being softened? It didn't last long because it was too work intensive. Now EBsynth could be used in the pipeline for a more rendered look. Using only the character layers without the background would keep the artifacts to a minimum. This with AI interpolation shows a lot of future for 2D animation !

  2. Oh my, wonderful. At 81, I sing daily and I’ve considered recording, if only for a laugh. But I was thrilled to think of how some of the looks in the demos of these amazing video tools would be lusciously appropriate for a video recording of St. Francis's Canticle of the Creatures. A crazy, unrealistic dream? Too big a stretch? Too far beyond my present abilities as a video maker? Possibly so. But a lot can be accomplished by taking one small step at a time. With EbSynth, it seems it wouldn’t be out of the question that I could create an appropriate keyframe from a video still, using Photoshop effects to create the look I want, even though I have no talents as a painter. Thanks for the intro to these astounding new and very welcome tools.

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