Will AI Art Kill Digital Art? ✏️ My Art vs DALL-E mini

0:00 Intro
1:15 Why AI is not the End? | 1st Reason
5:35 2nd Reason
9:50 Conclusion
10:55 My Pocahontas vs AI Crayon AKA Dall-E mini

Will AI replace Artists? Do we already need to find new jobs? O.o
So here are my thoughts on the future of AI Created Art and Digital Art!
And some process of drawing Cyberpunk Pocahontas! OwO
In the end of the video I’m also comparing my version of Cyberpunk Pocahontas with AI version and it’s EPIC!
I’m using free AI Generator – Craiyon, formerly DALL-E mini.

❤️ Channels I’m mentioning in the video:
@Mark SLAV
@Peter McKinnon

✏️ Here is the link to Free AI DALL-E mini if you wanna try it yourself!


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✏️ Deviantart ★ http://anastasia-berry.deviantart.com
📘 My Course | How to Draw Fantasy Portraits ★ https://101.gg/anastasia
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✦ Huion Kamvas Pro 13 2.5K
✦ Photoshop

✉️ BUSINESS CONTACT: anastasiadeg13@gmail.com


00:00 Intro
01:15 Why AI is not the End? | 1st Reason
05:35 2nd Reason
09:50 Conclusion
10:55 My Pocahontas vs AI Crayon AKA Dall-E mini


  1. I've been wondering about this lately, you make very good points. Amazing work talking on the topic and creating something from scratch and showing the results against AI art at the end of the video!

  2. Awesome artwork as always.

    I feel your words and feelings are spot on.

    AI could be a great asset to many industries. But it still does a lot of silly things and requires intervention to meet non-trival tasks.

  3. One thing I have noticed is that thus far, AI isn't good at repeating the exact same design with small modifications. If you want the AI to simply update a design w/ minor changes, it will redo the whole thing and give you something new each time. So I believe even if AI can come up with great concepts, even in bigger companies, you will still need humans to fix and edit it, especially with how picky many clients can be, small tiny changes aren't something an AI can do. Overall, we still need humans to get exactly right the idea people are going for- AI isn't quite there, who knows if it ever will be.
    I believe AI will replace artists as much as Kindle replaced real books…. (it didn't).

  4. to be fair ai may be useful and useless at the same time
    feels unoriginal
    if a owner has drawing style worked hard over the years
    kentaro miura said in his interview before his death
    once you turn 20 and reach 50 will have wisdom
    the art doesnt comes from skill
    it’s all about maturity
    i was worry about all artists might lose their jobs because of ai
    except marvel and dc comics will use ai
    cuz there greedy bastards
    digital art have different people different styles
    and i like their improvement
    it’s important
    imagination comes our mind and head
    not the ai
    ai are useful for background
    or environment
    so theres nothing to worry about it
    i forgot
    kentaro miura did draw digital before his death
    he stopped drawing traditional paper and switched to digital
    his drawing has improved
    that’s why its okay to improve

  5. I don't think this whole debate should be about artists as a craftsmans or "renderers", AI inevitably will get better and things like t-shirt designs at H&M you mentioned will be done by machines, drawing realistically or aesthetically is something that AI surely will be in charge of one day, but in my opinion those skills do not define artists.
    If we venture a bit into art history we'll see that at the start of 20th century artists stopped caring about a realistic rendering of reality, art began to change towards expressionism and dadaism (an art movement that denies making any sense) and then we got Marcel Duchamp, this guy literally brought porcelain urinal to the art exibition, soo there the f i was going this this tangent? oh…. Well, i guess conceptualism is a way to go now, art is not so much about rendering, that it's about ideas, and until AI get's to the point where it can generate ideas like a human brain artists are safe.
    Getting from the fields of high matters back to earth, yeah, your points make sense, but this whole issue should be adressed a bit broadly i guess? So, some art jobs might be lost to ai, stuff like making shitty realistic portraits for examle (those are already done by hungry students) or some jobs in animation like Inbetweeners (people who draw unimportant frames between important ones), but in most other areas a living breathing human is needed to come up with the idea and think through the execution. Concept artists for video games they don't just mindlessly shit a ton of pictures, they trying to convey a bunch of things through character design, AI can't do that. On the other hand, ai could be a great tool for artists, help to speed up the process and create something they didn't have the resources to do.

  6. AI art creations are made from already existing art creations. Its based on a huge database, and the algorythms are looking to what the user is requesting. Where AI art creation will help is for conceptual designs BUT as only a tool for the conceptual designer. It will never be a finished product because it will always lack of a story. It's cold, it has no background, it's just a result of a mix of key words. So, nope, AI art won't kill digital art!! ^^

  7. i think it will replace trade artists (except artisian art communities). production artists. but not people will vision. they will adopt it to better communicate their ideas.

  8. I don't think it will be good unless it's for wallpapers or pre purchased images people want. If a client approaches the software and is like I want a female tribal warrior. The ai will deliver but it wont look good even after multiple iterations. what it is good for is inspiration, layout, and surrealism. Now imagine even after it does deliver a good tribal warrior, what if the person asks for a tweak or redesign or in different clothing. it wont ever work. I think it will be a useful tool for us not against.

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